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vanaf 13.12.2023
Apolonia, Apoloniadocumentaire
Lea Glob • 2022 • Polen • 116 min.
"A beautiful and touching double portrait of two young artists. This is a film that examines the struggle with growing up, art and femininity, renewing our faith in friendship and freedom.” CPH:DOX Politiken:DOX Award
Dertien jaar lang volgt Deens filmmaker Lea Glob kunstenares Apolonia Sokol. In 2009 lijkt het leven van de jonge vrouw op de ultieme kunstenaarsdroom: ze studeert in Parijs aan een van de meest prestigieuze kunstacademies van Europa. Maar sprookjes bestaan niet blijkt in dit fascinerende portret van niet één, maar uiteindelijk twee getalenteerde jongvolwassen vrouwen die hun plek zoeken in de (kunst)wereld. Deze eigenzinnige, gelaagde documentaire won de Prijs voor Beste Documentaire op het Internationaal Documentaire Filmfestival van Amsterdam (IDFA).
FR/ Pendant treize ans, la réalisatrice danoise Lea Glob suit l'artiste Apolonia Sokol. En 2009, la vie de la jeune femme ressemble au rêve ultime de l'artiste : elle étudie à Paris dans l'une des écoles d'art les plus prestigieuses d'Europe. Mais les contes de fées n'existent pas, comme le montre ce portrait fascinant non pas d'une, mais de deux jeunes femmes adultes talentueuses qui cherchent leur place dans le monde (de l'art). Ce documentaire excentrique aux multiples niveaux a remporté le prix du meilleur documentaire au Festival international du film documentaire d'Amsterdam (IDFA).
EN/ When Danish filmmaker Lea Glob first portrayed Apolonia Sokol in 2009, she appeared to be leading a storybook life. The talented Apolonia was born in an underground theater in Paris and grew up in an artists’ community—the ultimate bohemian existence. In her 20s, she studied at the Beaux-Arts de Paris, one of the most prestigious art academies in Europe. Over the years, Lea Glob kept returning to film the charismatic Apolonia and a special bond developed between the two young women. The result is a fascinating portrait, spanning 13 years, of a young woman trying to find her place in the art world. Apolonia is confident in her talent, but her path is not always an easy one. Life is not a storybook; one of the lessons Apolonia learns is that women painters have to make more sacrifices and overcome greater obstacles than their male counterparts do. This also applied to the friend she lived with for a long time, Oksana Shachko, one of the founders of the feminist action group Femen. Apolonia’s resilience is put to the test.

gesproken taal:Frans, Pools, Engels, Deens
beschikbare ondertiteling:Nederlands, Frans, Engels

regisseur: Lea Glob
productie: Sidsel Siersted for Danish Documentary Production
dop: Lea Glob
montage: Andreas Bøggild Monies, Thor Ochsner
muziek: Jonas Struck

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One of the magic tricks of documentaries is the ability to film sombody changing over the period of time. When it is a span of several years, audience can get an unique psychological portrait
New York Times
Le résultat, une œuvre d’art? Et comment!
Fascinerend [...] Een damesdubbel over identiteit, ambitie en de hypocrisie van de soms ook niet zo schone kunsten
Knack Focus
Apolonia, Apolonia boeit vooral door de fascinerende persoonlijkheid van Apolonia Sokol
De Morgen
Winner of the International Competition at IDFA, Apolonia, Apolonia, is the absorbingly intimate portrait of an artist as a young woman over the transformative span of 13 years
Screen Daily
Fascinating IDFA winner
At the end, one simply wishes that Apolonia, Apolonia would continue
This IDFA competition entry[...] remains an impressively idiosyncratic, far-reaching work, assured of further festival play and specialist arthouse attention

IDFA Best Film Award International Competition 2022
Best Nordic Documentary - Göteborg International Film Festival
Baltic Focus Grand Prix - ArtdocFest
Politiken:Dox Award - CPH:DOX
Best Film - One World
Firebird Award - Hong Kong IFF
Grand Prix - Chopin's Nose Award - Millennium Docs Against Gravity
Docville International Competition: Honorable Mention
Best Documentary - Sofia International Film Festival
Tribeca Film Festival 2023